Creating a Multi-Polar New Silk Road Manifesto
Post-2007 Financial Crisis
After the financial crisis of 2007, the western world starts facing debt and demographic crisis. The four decades of less than replacement fertility rate created an ageing society across the industrial world. A western ruling class is trying to counter the situation by allowing more immigrants in the west. This is leading to the reduction of population percentage of whites in the USA and Western Europe. The USA commoners already revolted against debt-based economy, anti-immigrant and political correctness by bringing Trump to power. But anti-neo-liberal people are quite unorganized and they lack proper theory and manifesto to organize themselves into a formidable force.
A well-thought manifesto is required not only to counter neo-liberalism in West but also neo-liberal elements in non-west. China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey all important anchors of the multi-polar world contain neo-liberal middle class and west paid feminist, marginalised organizations. The order that came up with fall of Soviet Union is now dead economically, it is also dying geo-politically but its social values are still untouched. Time has come to create pro-multi-polar social values so that neo-liberal social values can be confronted. New Silk Road system that is coming up against neo-liberal system needs to create different social engineering tools that will percolate social values across the society.
Different anti-Neo-liberal anti Globalist Elements Today
The economic crisis is producing many anti-neo-liberal anti-globalist people around the world including the west. Let us point them out:
1: Liberal Nationalists: These people mainly from the west and also from non-west middle class. They wanted 18th and 19th century liberal democratic nationalist society back. They are feeling that the society they live in cannot be liberal or democratic. They feel debt based economy an antithesis of liberalism and often call it socialism by the central bank. Too much external engagements and allowing immigration makes them feel that their government is not nationalist too.
2: Anti War: These people mostly in non-West found war irrational. They also feel threatened and humiliated by western wars on non-west.
3: Religious/Traditional Ideologues: They stand for any particular religious book and very often a particular understanding of that book. Hence, they find too much money-centric world a social problem. They also stand for religious/traditional institutions threatened by neo-liberalism like family, race, bloodline, tribe, caste, etc. They are there both in west and non-west. These people though anti-liberals can come into contradiction with each other.
4: Tanker Communists: They are communists who abide by not only socialisation of private properties, planned economy and fighting imperialism but also Lenin-Mao’s encouragement to have more children. For them, neo-liberal feminism is a big problem and nothing to do with Marxian equality.
5: Fascists/National Socialists: Many among western whites threatened by demographic crisis end up in this group. They found present western establishment threat to the white race.
These groups often see each other political enemies and hence remain disunited. This is one of the major causes that neo-liberal is still socially most influential in both west and non-west.
Combining different anti-Neo-liberal anti Globalist Ideologies
The dynamics of western society has brought it to a stage where working-class unity can no longer function, demand crisis has transformed into the debt crisis and demographic crisis has surfaced. So the old form of communism is of little use. But Marx’s over-accumulation crisis seems to be perfect. So is his prediction of big ownership to replace small ownership since the former can reap in benefits of economies of scale. Again, the points of fascists-national socialists and religion/tradition based ideologues like maintenance of the family, race, etc. can be accepted to counter the demographic crisis. Similarly, liberal nationalist agenda of small ownership must be given importance. Small ownership can survive based on absolute advantage, love for variety, etc. The economy of scale is not the only form of economic logic that works in real world. Once we start pointing them, we have the chance to integrate different elements of communists, liberal nationalists, fascists-national socialists, religion/tradition based ideologues under one manifesto. Once this is done, neo-liberal globalist social values can be countered on every street of the earth.
Following Points can be Considered
  1. Marx took reproduction for granted and hence he never thought of how reproduction can go on if family as an institution collapses.
  2. It is the money-centric way of life and values that have led liberalism to neo-liberalism and nationalism to globalism.
  3. Fear and respect for the Supreme Being cannot come among people to the degree today as they came to people one or two centuries earlier.
Points of Research
If the above three points are considered dialogue between all these groups will become easier. We need to form separate school to research on the following points:
  1. How can family-based small ownership survive using absolute advantage, love for variety?
  2. Helga Zepp LaRouche often called Silk Road lady has suggested nationalisation of banking. We need to look into this suggestion.
  3. How far nationalisation of industries to draw in economies of scale help to prevent monopolisation?
  4. Employment guaranty or helping small business or both: what should be given priority to fight demand crisis/ debt crisis?
  5. How joint families benefited the economy by drawing in economies of scale in consumption and production of many non-monetised activities? What is gained by using big ownership in monetised activities production may be lost in the breakdown of joint families? In this way, we can argue in favour of big families and against consumerism.
  6. We can extend Marx’s primitive accumulation theory to say that once capitalism exhausts its countryside/pre-capitalism it starts to draw in cheap labour from the erstwhile household labour of women.
  7. How bloodline, race, tribe actually upholds family in which reproduction takes place? Does alienation from bloodline, race, tribe lead to the annihilation of the reproduction process?
  8. Comparative analysis needed between debt crisis and the demographic crisis of today’s west with fall of erstwhile civilizations like Persian, Assyrian, Roman, Arab, etc.
  9. More studies must be done on Ibn Khadloon’s philosophy of history which tells primitives to win over civilized in the long run and it is the former which create new civilizations.
  10. To establish that rise of communism and fascism-national socialism is good for today’s third world countries which were then fighting against western colonialism.
  11. Assessing which identities are sacrificed in different countries by neo-liberal globalist order.
Manifesto for Multi-polar New Silk Road
We need to form the separate school of thought to carry on the project to form social values that will help multi-polar New Silk Road.
To organize the pro-New Silk Road elements of the society we need to take following actions:
  1. Since the demographic crisis is the immediate problem among western whites and many other industrialised races of non-west, preaching values of rebuilding families must be taken into account.
  2. China has 300 million rural people who still maintain need-based lives may be ideal for countering the coming demographic winter in China. Rather than simply converting rural into urban on western development lines, China can help rural to remain content with need-based lives. Japan is already trying to push urban population back to rural lives with limited success. China already has the rural base and so its hope of success is more than that of Japan.
  3. Respecting the right of different industrialised races to survive in face of low birth rate.
  4. Upholding and respecting non-monetised labour including household labour that will counter lack of demand crisis and demographic crisis at a time.
  5. The individual maximization of satisfaction may prove to be detrimental after three generations. So it is wrong to rely on individualism if we think in the long run.
West may actually be a very young civilization of just 1500 years which fail to understand that short-term gains may imply long-term disasters. Asian and Eurasian and Mediterranean civilizations are much older and hence can offer better institutions which can sustain civilization in the long run.
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy and position of Regional Rapport.